Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our homeschool Space


In some ways, I would probably would never post about our homeschool space, mostly because we barely have one.  We have our homeschool space a little here and there. And of course, we have changed it around.

We first began with this shelf. It sits in a corner of a side room that my husband and I have our desk in.  So really we currently use the room as a den. The thing is this room has the only backdoor, so you have to go through it all the time. 


Well, he managed to pick up a wire basket thing! So we moved the shelf to where our front door is.  I say this reluctantly, because we really have to use every inch of the house.


It must be a God thing, because this bookshelf is the only thing that fits into closet of an entryway that I have.

What truly counts as our schooling space is this awesome table and chairs.  I picked them up at our school surplus store for under $50.  I only have 3 chairs, so I keep checking for a fourth.  I found the wooden thing at goodwill and I use it to hold our markers, scissors, gluesticks, pencils, dry erase markers, and colored pencils.



Call it what you want, den, disaster, free for all, the beginning of hoarding, but this is our space where most of it lives and then some.  You are missing the view of my husbands desk as I am standing at the back door.07282011725

The wire shelf holds baskets.  I have a basket for each kid, to store their curriculum.  This way I can pull out what I need.  I have basket for supplies, math games, crafts and so on.  The other table is my desk and my computer sits on a tv tray. I sew and coupon mostly on my desk.  And trust me it is always a mess.

In fact there is never one time that the entire house is straight.  I have someone always willing to make a mess!


As for decorating our school space.  NOPE.  Mostly because I can’t.  My entire house is the lived in look.  I would love to decorate it, but I am somehow missing that touch.  Then I really want to do some renovations and it seems like a waste to decorate then destroy.  At the same time, I have been waiting years to renovate.  So maybe it is just not in our time line, yet.

For those of you that live small, I hope this lets you know, you are in good company.


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