What is just so crazy about me

Things have truly changed since I started this blog and took a break.  Well This was once my reality.  Now it is a bit crazier with a bit more!

To start with, I have spent the past 6 years or more fitting into a mold that wasn't me when it came to managing my home. I was trying to fill the illusion that the home magazines had sold me on and my husband thinks he wants.

My home resembles the aftermath of a major disaster. I am rationally irrational. I am a minimalist with a hoarding issue. I am running chaos with a straight course having many twist and turns. I can be a walking contradiction when it comes to my methods, but my destination is always intentional and clear to me. My husband would say otherwise.

I am easily bored with a project and happily move on. My best tool to continue on is to find an anchor of a friend to pin part of me there. I need to be held accountable and reminded.

I manage 4 children and an overly assuming husband. I scrapbook, sew, homeschool, coupon, manage several blogs, boycott most laundry until it IS completely necessary for my husband to have clean clothes. I am my own worst enemy. I teach everybody I run into about money or coupons. I am lovingly obnoxious and I wouldn't even change it. Because God made me this way.

In a former life, I was an engineer. I designed, calculated, modeled code, wrote permits, persuaded reluctant agencies for permits, and soothed agitated clients.  Now I plan menus, locate the origins of the pee smell, wipe butts, repeat the alphabet about 3000 times, kill 5 trees in a year, get puked on, drive to swim lessons, forget the name of a kid mid-sentence and my keys in the next breath. I will eat PB&Js with jelly-faced kids rather than lunch with clients. And I never want to go back to the way it was.

I would rather live in the chaos of being sucked up into 4 seperate tornados running through my house, who will spit me out in various locations and thoughts from my origin.