Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Adding to First Grade


Oh wow, imagine that, slightly changed my curriculum.  Hmm, again?  That is sometimes how I am feeling.  I have added for a couple of reasons, convenience, fell into our lap, and needing something more.

The need of convenience, HANDWRITTING!

Writing things out was getting a bit much for me and then to figure out what to write was another brain storm session everyday.  I found a digital copybook file and printed it off, can a mommy say, “ahhhh.”  At the moment I have Winnie the Pooh classics for her to copy.  All were free.  Because, my new favorite curriculum store is! Thousands or more digital PDF curriculums to pick from.  You have got to check it out!  It is not a lot of money and they have just about anything you can think of.  I also bought files for our next unit study.  The best part its all electronic so it is reproducible and I do not have to find room on a shelf.  YEAH!

Needing something more, MATH!

Our math just wasn’t making the mark with Spectrum.  It is pretty, but not drilling enough for her.  I some how came across Math Mammoth and YEAH!  Again all digital.  It is a bit self led, so all I need is to answer questions and has a systematic approach.  Again I can re-use it for each kid.  I think the entire math curriculum for First is $35, I bought just the part A at $17 and I will get part B when we need it (just in case we change it up again).  It is working like a charm.

Fell into our laps, SPELLING!

Well ,I have a spelling program, A Reason for Spelling, but I was given this by another homeschool mom.  THE COMPLETE PROGRAM – LEVEL ONE!  SO I checked it out.  Well, I quickly realized it would be a great addition to our day.  The nice part is, it is all about the rules of the English language for spelling.  So now, poor #1 is doing both.  Thankfully, it is all hands on; so it goes almost undetected.  Bonus, since it is a lot of flash cards #2 is joining in.

Sometimes I get a bit worrisome that I feel like I cannot stick with one thing.  But I remind myself, it is better to spend a year finding what works (while of course teaching along the way), than it is to build frustration for me and my children with something that does not work.


By the way, I am working on restructuring how I deliver the work to them.  I had really wanted to do a workbox style, but space and time, just are not permitting it.  I tried a big 3 ring binder, but they are getting confused on what to work on.  Frankly, I need them to be a bit more independent on their work (this is how you think when you have several littles).  Mostly, I need to be able to give them direction and then NOT have to stand over them. 

The best thing I can think of is to put each topic in its own prong folder.  This way I can only pull out the folder they are working on for the day, laid open to the page they need to work on.  Kind of my own workbook style.  Now I am just piling the folders in front of them. 

Lets see how this works out!


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