Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What is my chaos?

Hmm. It can be many things.  I live in a tiny house with 4 littles.  I plan to homeschool the 1st grader and kindergartener with a 3 year old and a 1 year old at my feet.  I have my 2 middle children needing articulation therapy.  So against all worldly reason, I am withdrawing my kids from public school and therapy to keep them home.

Many of you will be following me from my first blog.  I have ended it, because it is just not my focus anymore.  Although I write this at midnight, I am no longer a midnight crafter.  I am a 5:15 am, I hope I can get an inch of quiet time before they wake up.  Why I am a wake right now, is beyond reason and mostly because I miss reaching out.  I have put so much of my crafty stuff up, for a time when my house can handle it.  My house handling it, has more to do with space, than management.  I am sure if I was a great Martha Stewart kind of chick, I could orderly contain, use, and put away.  But I am not.

So for the past 6-8 years, I have been entranced with this simple, orderly living.  The magazines have actually led me to believe that people can live this way and I am not living up to potential by having a cluttered house.  But these people in this house can not live in that much order, so we are rebuking the system. We will live in the make the best of it mentality.

So schooling in this chaos, will probably have more to do with schooling me.  You will laugh, you will be in shock, and hopefully you will be inspired.  Inspired that you don’t have to or did not get stuck with, what ever it is I ended up doing for some unknown reason.

I have been a SHAM for almost 4 years now.  I am perfectly capable of getting lost in my own ideas.  I have an uncontrollable need to try, learn and test things.  Mentally, I usually have a great sense of order, even if I live in clutter.  Currently, I have no order.

So I plan to share with you, my adventures of homeschooling my littles.  My progress and trials of providing speech therapy for 2 of my children.  My slow, but hopefully progress in creating some order in my life.  My progress on being a home manager and a Fly Lady drop out.  and of course, share my uncontrollable quest for knowledge on any adventure I attempt to take.

So I hope you can handle the craziness of it all.  Hopefully, you may be a kindred spirit in the chaos and we can be a shoulder to lean on, or you might just be laughing hysterically and I enjoy a good laugh, especially at myself.

We will see how it goes!


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