Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sweet Fields of Sugar

06192011506  I love seeing the fields of wheat and corn that are always posted by our northern bloggers.  Well to share a little Florida fields of green, here is a land of sweetness.

In the southern most part of Florida is sugar country.  On Father’s Day, we went to my husband’s hometown that is surrounded by sugar fields.  I always thought of it is a beautiful scene in the summer with the deep contrast of the sky from on oncoming storm.  I am not sure if there is anything more beautiful in the natural color of blackish blue and brilliant green.  My pictures do no give it justice for showing the color.

SO I made my husband stop to let me take pictures to share with you.  He quickly realized I did not grasp the amount of sugar cane that we were in, he got out and ran into the field.  He excitedly said, I bet it didn’t look this tall from there.  He was right, I thought it was about 3 feet, not 6 feet.


As we headed home, my most favorite sight of all.  A thunder storm.  I love it.  The summer in south Florida is a sticky, heavy wet hot blanket, but when the storms are rolling in, the air immediately cools.  It is the most amazing sight and sensation to be in a south Florida summer afternoon rain.

As our summer rolls in, we will be able to set our watch by the rain.  Every afternoon about 3pm.  The natives will be seen with sweatshirts and shorts.  Shorts, because it is so hot.  The sweatshirt to keep you warm after being caught in the rain and having to go inside with air conditioning.


So here is a little taste of my side of the world.


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