Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Place to Learn

Our official start date is the week of labor day.  I plan to use that week just to celebrate school, do some fun little projects, introduce the books to the kids, and begin a couple of our books that have much needed introductions. I  honestly have a problem!

I have boycotted our cluttered dining room as a schoolroom.  I have demanded above demands for a shed to school in our backyard. Please look, couldn't you just imagine a learning sanctuary in one of these (with AC and electric, of course).

My demands were not given into though.  I have hit a truce with my dh that for this year, we will  convert a bedroom into a schoolroom. Well, I have been pining since June, with a completion date of September.  Although we are only a third of the way into August, the future homeschool room does not look as though it will be move in ready by September.

I do not know what to do.  I know I can make the dining room work in a pinch, but I cannot wrap my brain around it to get things ready.  I am so overwhelmed with the crowded conditions that I am afraid I will not be able to start on time.  I guess all I can do is pray!

I started this post about a month ago.  My dining room is a mess, but we are getting it done.  September is coming to an end, and that bedroom is not close to ready.  My husband made a comment that he has until December to finish the new room for us to even move out of the potential school room.  See "potential" is now sneaking into my vocabulary.  Seriously, He will then have the other room move in ready for school? What January?  Hmmm, I am having a baby in January.  There is no schoolroom set up in January, so what February?  So I am going to set up shop in a room that we can only use until June.  February to June, 5 months.

I think we are stuck at the dining room table eating around all these books. please tell me I am not the only one?

1 comment:

  1. I know you will figure out something and it will be wonderful. I was thrilled to see a post from you!!! Boy or girl??? Text me and let me know. Miss ya and love ya tons!!!!
