Saturday, October 8, 2011

Phonemes versus phonics

Alright, before this week I had no idea what a phoneme was.  Do you?  So there is this little known secret to the outside world that reading is made up of to very important functions that must work together, phonemes and phonics.  In homeschooling mommy terms, your ears must know what it is hearing in order for your mouth to read it. Hmm, could this have been my own personal delay in my comprehension, we could only wonder.

Sorry, I diverged. So a little catch up.  Yes, I am still stumbling my way through homeschooling my 1st and K kids ,while managing the destruction from a 1 and 3 year old.  I guess I am eclectic by nature in my educating method. Right up until last Monday night, I have felt very overwhelmed.  I then realized, I really need a scope and sequence.  I can teach my kids anything, I know it, I just need to know what and when.  In desperation, I called a friend who was a school teacher and said HELP!  I am so overwhelmed and when I read the state standards, I am humbly overwhelmed that I do not speak that language.

I was directed to several different county links that have provided a Plain English scope and sequence per grade and peace began to wash over me. So over the past week, I have re-organized, because some of my frustration was a geography thing in my home.  I have let go and began to move forth.  Patience, the details of my reorganizations will be shared at another time.

So back to my point, within the Language Arts discipline for both K and 1st is a section on Phonemic Awareness and Phonics.  Hmm, awareness and they miss spelled phonics (ha,ha higher education). I was a bit on the thought of, well isn’t that all r-e-a-d-i-n-g, but apparently not.  You see reading is comprised of understanding what you hear and then being able to reproduce it from written form.  As much as this can make sense, it is a lot like flour and water make glue, but add an egg and you got cake.  Actually, that is very appropriate.



Phonemic Awareness (PA) is:

  1. the ability to hear and manipulate the sounds in spoken words and the understanding that spoken words and syllables are made up of sequences of speech sounds (Yopp, 1992; see References).
  2. essential to learning to read in an alphabetic writing system, because letters represent sounds or phonemes. Without phonemic awareness, phonics makes little sense.
  3. fundamental to mapping speech to print. If a child cannot hear that "man" and "moon" begin with the same sound or cannot blend the sounds /rrrrrruuuuuunnnnn/ into the word "run", he or she may have great difficulty connecting sounds with their written symbols or blending sounds to make a word.
  4. essential to learning to read in an alphabetic writing system.
  5. a strong predictor of children who experience early reading success.

An important distinction:
  • Phonemic awareness is NOT phonics.
  • Phonemic awareness is AUDITORY and does not involve words in print.


And this is what they have to say about teaching it!

PA Critical Pieces Puzzle Graphic

PA Critical Pieces Puzzle Graphic Green Piece
Phonemic Awareness is a critical component of reading instruction but not an entire reading program. It absolutely needs to be taught, but should only be 10-15 minutes per day of your reading instruction.

PA Critical Pieces Puzzle Graphic Blue Piece
Teachers increase effectiveness when the manipulation of letters is added to phonemic awareness tasks. Phonemic awareness is an auditory skill, but once children start to become familiar with the concept, teachers can introduce letter tiles or squares and manipulate them to form sounds and words.

PA Critical Pieces Puzzle Graphic Yellow Piece
Phonemic awareness needs to be taught explicitly. The instructional program must show children what they are expected to do. Teachers must model skills they want children to perform before the children are asked to demonstrate the skill.

PA Critical Pieces Puzzle Graphic Red Piece
If you focus on just a few types of phonemic awareness, you get better results. There are a lot of skills in phonemic awareness, but research has found that blending and segmentation are the 2 critical skills that must be taught. Instruction must focus on blending and segmenting words at the phoneme, or sound level. This is an auditory task.

PA Critical Pieces Puzzle Graphic Purple Piece
Research has found that you get better results when teaching phonemic awareness to small groups of children rather than an entire class


As you look further into Oregon’s Big Idea Lessons, they illustrate the best methods.  In Florida, there is a great website that has lots of PDFs to print about all aspects of Phonemics, but my internet keeps timing out, maybe you will have better luck.

There are tons of information that can help you practice these skills, see

And as wikipedia will tell us Phonics is then taking letters to form the Phonemics, so we can read, see.



A method of teaching people to read by correlating sounds with letters or groups of letters in an alphabetic writing system.


So where do we begin, well as a mom, make it fun. So we are going to play a game.  I am going to go to use a list of words, mostly cvc words. (cvc is consonant vowel consonant, like cow, mom, man, cat, dog)

With my list, I am going to say the word to my 1st grader and have her isolate the first, middle and final one syllable sound. To my K I am going to say the word the word 2 times and sometimes change one sound at the beginning, end or middle.  He will tell me same or not.

So it would go like this.

ME: Miss first grader, Please tell me the beginning sound of dog?

1ST: dog begins with /dddd/

ME: what is the middle sound for dog?

1ST: /ooooo/

ME: And the final sound?

1ST: /gggggg/

ME: great job!  Here is a skittle.

ME: Mr. Kindergartener, are these two words the same or different, dog/log?

K: Different.

ME: Which word is different from these 3: dog/dog/log?

K: log

ME Great job, have a skittles!

So that is what I am doing this week, let’s see how it goes.  It seems such a simple task, but none the less, an important one.  Doing it together, I plan to only do it for about 10-15 minutes.  And then we move on.

So did you know about phonemic awareness?
