Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Virtual Homeschool Chaos - Reponse #1 Are we relaxed or structured in our homeschool?

This is in response to the Virtual Homeschool Coop!  You can find out more about the VHC and how to participate here: http://virtualhomeschoolcoop.com/

This response video is my part of the Virtual Homeschool Coop Channel Collaboration. You can find out more at www.virtualhomeschoolcoop.com The goal of the Virtual Homeschool Coop is to build the homeschool community of knowledge with collaborations to give voice to all experiences in homeschooling.

Rate your amount or lack of structure from “0” being no structure to “10” being high structure and why in 3 categories: curriculum, daily routine, and homeschool space

I am actually taking on more structure than ever before this year in our homeschooling.  After watching many youtube videos by Andrea Mills, I realized  I could have effective order in my day with A.C.E. curriculum.  I used the techniques that she shared.  So this year we are more structured than before and boy, oh boy, I am so much more relaxed.

Structure or Relaxed?


So using A.C.E. naturally lends itself to be a very structured curriculum for homeschooling.  At the same time, it also provides a very relaxed day to our curriculum.  SO we have the basic subjects for each grade: Math, Reading, Spelling, English, Science, Social Studies, and Bible. 

 If you are not familiar with PACE books from A.C.E., the books take generally 3 weeks and is not divided into daily lessons.  The book is set up for the child to work through at their own pace.

So we are structured, but relaxed.  SO, I feel like we are right down the middle in my book.  And the ease of this, gives this mama much peace of mind. You can find them at www.aceministries.com

Daily Routine?

So, with us taking the plunge into using A.C.E., I also took to reading their parent's manual and seeing what to implement into our home.

We implemented our homeschool hours to be from 9am to 2pm. We also are doing 40 minutes of working and 10 minutes off.  My kids self regulate the timer.  We actually use this one that I got on amazon.

Out side of that, I do not actually set times on each subject.  They decide what they are working on first and when.  Their requirement is to finish and work during their assigned time.  

So again, structured, but relaxed.

Our Homeschool Space?

We are living in a 1,600 square foot home with the 8 of us.  We do not have a designated room to homeschool.  I did get each of the 4 that are homeschooling a desk that are placed in the house.  I have 2 in the dining room and 2 in the hallway.  I still end up with them at the dining room table.

I am able to keep all of my administrative stuff in a filing cabinet in our mud room. So we are very relaxed.

My VHC Response on Youtube.

Remember you can see everyone else's responses at www.virtualhomeschoolcoop.com


How is it for you?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Student School Planner - Review

This year for homeschooling, I have decided to give the older 3 kids (3rd, 5th, and 6th grade) their own planner.  In years past, I would keep a big mama planner.  This year, I plan to use this!

God's Word in Time Scripture Planner: Walk Worthy Elementary Student Edition (ESV Version; July 2016 - June 2017)

Hear and see everything I have to say about it here!

Do you use a planner for each kid?  I love that this can be used for either a homeschooler or a school kid.  I look forward to the teacher planner, I might add that to my list too.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Keeping it Simple, simple, simple

I am happy to report, we are still home schooling.  I am thankful to be just months away from completing an entire year of home school with out giving up! I am most definitely still in the freshman years of homeschooling and constantly trying to find our fit with curriculum.  I feel successful still, we had our 5th child on New Years Eve!

I am actually leaving this blog.  i love this blog, but i have a hard time feeling that I have to be perfect.  Every time I write a post, I feel as though I must meet some crazy expectation in my head.  Because of this, I am going back to my roots.  My first blog.  you will find all my adventures in one place, where I will happily write about what ever i feel the desire to write about.


I hope that you will join me there.